Saturday, May 16, 2009

Spring cleaning today resulted in the completion of 2 tasks, #61 and #88.

It had occured to me a week or so ago that I had some wire shelving pieces borrowed from Sarah Langdale some years ago. They had been living broken down in my closet since I moved into this apartment in August 07. I pulled them out, put them together, and replaced the cardboard boxes. In the process I cleaned out the boxes, threw away a lot of junk, laughed at some of what I found (goofy photos from freshman year), and created a Good Will box.

I had also been meaning to clean off my desk for a while, as it had gotten to the point where my laptop didn't even fit. So I went through all the papers and crap (some of which was relocated to my new shelving unit!), took everything off the desk and wiped it down. It was pretty gross! But now it's clean! And I think that the shelves I put together today offer a better storage solution for random things than a functional space like my desk!

Also paid off my credit card this week, completing #62. Hurrah!!!

Reviewing the list, I re-discovered #56 and put $15 into savings for all my completed tasks so far. Not bad for a month into the 1001 days.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Am wearing my high heels to work today, for the first successful time. Tried once or twice last year but always ended up changing into sneakers. I do have my flip flops with me today, and changed into them at lunch, but have re-adjusted my band-aids and am hoping to make it at least until Olli's concert! #81 accomplished!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Bought running shoes this weekend at Marshall's. Didn't want to spend a lot of money since I'm just using them for the gym and bike, so Mom suggested I go to a TJ Maxx/Marshall's type place. So, a pair of Aasics for $40! Brilliant. They are super white and clean right now, which makes me look goofy, but whatever.
#51 - accomplished!